My Yoni Box Steam Story

Published on 16 September 2024 at 15:50

I'm not only a Client........

Ever since 6th grade, I've experienced long, heavy, painful menstrual cycles.  Well into my 20's it became apparent that, even after trying several unsuccessful birth control methods, I was going to have to find another solution to this issue. I decided to research and search for holistic methods that would help me gain control of my menstrual, stumbling upon the ancient practice of Yoni Steaming! 


Though skeptical at first, I decided it was worth a try and purchased a Yoni Steam Box and boy am I glad I did!

While my Yoni Box was arriving, I researched and went to a well known herbal stores and purchased a few herbs that were said to help shorten and avoid cramps during that time. 


I decided to sit on the box 3 times a week for 30 minutes until my menstrual arrived. 

When it arrived, I immediately noticed a difference. It wasn't as heavy and I wasn't experiencing cramps. To be honest, initially, just those differences were worth it to me. So after the cycle was over, I decided to incorporate the Yoni Steam Box into my overall regime.


I began to look into other benefits of using the Yoni Steam Box and other herbal concoctions that would aid in my  menstrual and vaginal health.

I continued using the Box 3 to 4 times a week, anywhere from 15-30 minutes, experimenting with different blends and methods. By the time my menstrual came back around, I was able to report a shortened, light menstrual with no cramps as well as many other everyday benefits that turned out to be essential to my well being. 


That was in early 2000, fast forward to 2024 and I am still a frequent user of the Yoni Steam Box. It was through my experience that I found my passion for building, sharing the history, and herbal knowledge of these boxes. I love providing the opportunity for women across the world to experience what I have for themselves and enjoy hearing how my Yoni Steam Box and herbs has helped them in various ways! 


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